What about me?

Author of this blog:


Yep. That's me. Well, the back of me. I enjoy my life, shoes and awkward moments. I have a weird sense of pleasure that comes from watching an awkward moment happen or even being involved in one. I'm strange, I know. I have had a roller coaster of a life and I am ever indebted to the people who are still in my life today. They battled through it with me and are far greater champions than I am. I trust very few people but when I trust you, I really trust you with everything. You lose that trust and I have the hardest time letting it go (I know I need to work on this). I have always despised my middle name, Ashley. I have had ill feelings toward it for some time now and I haven't quite figured out why. I'm a huge nerd around said people that I trust, by nerdy I mean I am almost child-like. I like to think in another life I was Peter Pan. I love my children more than anything. They are exactly how I want to be. Young, innocent and living life as though I knew no negative of the world. 

I like:

Pina Coladas
Getting caught in the rain